We are a sabbath fellowship.

Nashville Sabbath Fellowship assembles on the seventh day, the biblical Sabbath, to remember the holy day God sanctified at the time of Creation. The Sabbath day is a day of peace. It is a day for setting aside the troubles of our world. On the Sabbath, we enter into the calm spirit of peace that comes from the presence of Messiah.

The prophets tell us that when Messiah comes, all mankind will keep the Sabbath: "'From Sabbath to Sabbath, all mankind will come to bow down before me,' says the LORD" (Isaiah 66:23). Every time we keep the Sabbath, we experience a small foretaste of the perfect Sabbath rest that will be ours in the Messianic Era and the World to Come.

Challah bread for the sabbath.
Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.
— John 14:27

We strive to restore the role of the nations in God’s kingdom.

In the Apostles’ days, Jewish and Gentile believers in Yeshua worshiped together as co-religionists. They participated in the prayers, rituals, expressions, and customs of daily Jewish life while embracing their unique national identities. 

Most of us are Gentile disciples of Yeshua who seek to align ourselves with the Jewish people, honoring their calling and following their lead. Like Yeshua's earliest followers, we understand the person and teachings of our Messiah from within the context of first-century Judaism and the Torah worldview. 

We feel called to follow the Jewish calendar, celebrate the weekly Sabbath, and enjoy the Jewish holidays. Like other Christians, we believe in the divine nature, virgin birth, death, resurrection, ascension, and second coming of Yeshua of Nazareth.

We follow Israel’s lead without taking Israel’s place.

We reject supersessionism (replacement theology) in all forms and affirm the validity of God's enduring covenant with Israel and the Jewish people. This includes other harmful forms of replacement theology such as one-law theology, sacred name theology, two-house theology, belief in an alternate calendar, and others.

What do we believe?

Nashville Sabbath Fellowship is part of the modern Messianic Jewish movement as a post-supersessionist congregation. Tap the button below to read our Statement of Faith.

We are committed to discipleship.

Since we are followers of Yeshua, our lives should be guided by the desire to imitate our Master's character and live righteously as he did. The ancient practice of Jewish discipleship entailed a close relationship between a teacher and his students. As disciples of Yeshua, it is our duty to: 

  • memorize his words,

  • learn his traditions,

  • imitate his actions,

  • and raise up more disciples.

We believe the proper response to the Good News (“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”) is repentance from sin and discipleship under Yeshua. Discipleship is a daily resolve to take up our cross and follow Yeshua through making wise decisions and representing Messiah in our lives. While no one can work their way into the kingdom of heaven, we believe it is still our responsibility to “walk in the same way in which he walked.”

“Then Peter opened his mouth and said: ‘In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.’”

— Acts 10:34-35