Here’s what to expect.

Saturday morning services begin at 10:30 am, followed by a communal meal at 11:30 am.

Our service comprises corporate prayer, readings from portions of the Bible, and a short teaching. We conclude with petitions to God for blessings over our country, communities, and Israel. After service, we partake in a delicious meal* followed by discussions on the readings. Plan approximately two and a half hours total.

*We do not maintain a kosher kitchen, but we only serve certified kosher meat and always separate dairy.

  • Torah Scroll - Messianic Judaism


    Our teaching follows the weekly Torah portion, gleaning insights from Judaism and the Apostolic Writings.

  • Messianic Jewish fellowship


    We are a community of like-minded friends and families who share a love of God and a desire to grow.

  • Oneg communal meal

    Breaking Bread

    After each service, we provide a delicious meal and time to fellowship and enjoy the peace of Shabbat.

  • Messianic Jewish liturgy


    Our Saturday morning service incorporates liturgical prayer and readings from the Word of God.

Nashville Sabbath Fellowship Messianic Jewish Saturday Service Guide

Download our Saturday Service Guide.

Our service is modeled after the Jewish mode of worship, using liturgy from the Bible, the traditional siddur (prayer book), and ancient Christian sources.

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul…”

— Acts 2:42–43